Paper Straws And Compostable Utensil By Packnwood

Paper Straws And Compostable Utensil By Packnwood

Everyday Food Fashion with Paper Straws, Bamboo and Wood Cutlery and Plastic utensils.

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Paper Straws Red & Green Striped
- Bright & colorful design
- Bee’s wax coating
- Unique & fun drinking paper straws
- Does not become brittle in drinks
- 100% compostable paper straws

Wooden Cutlery
- 100% natural wood
- Economical option
- Perfect for take out
- Cutlery sold by kits or individually in bulk
- Fun and easy alternative to regular chopsticks
- Wooden spoons great for ice cream & gelato
- 100% compostable

Bamboo Cutlery
- 100% natural
- Very sturdy
- Smooth finish
- Perfect to match mini bamboo appetizer dishes
- Cutlery sold by kits or individually in bulk
- Can be used for hot and cold foods
- 100% biodegradable

Pla / Plastic Utensils
- 100% compostable
- Heavy duty disposable cutlery
- Sleek finish
- Stylish design